Do You Provide Employees With Childcare Benefits? You Make The Call

Parents with children age 14 or younger who pay for professional care spend nearly one fourth of their household income on childcare.

To assist with this, a Wisconsin CEO attempted to help with childcare needs of working parents. An adult rehab facility was converted into a corporate childcare center with the help of a corporate childcare provider. He provided a $400 stipend per month to employees to put toward childcare costs.

There is growing recognition in the U.S. that childcare is "an essential good," with many feeling it should be more accessible and affordable for working parents. In spite of this, many childcare providers struggle to stay afloat, and working parents struggle to afford childcare. It could be to the advantage of both employers and employees for childcare benefits to be included in an employment package. Andrea Hsu "This boss vowed to help his workers with child care. It hasn't been easy" (Sept. 04, 2024).

So, the question for our readers is: Do You Provide Employees With Childcare Benefits?

Please take the poll. Here is the opinion of one of the McCalmon editorial staff:

Jack McCalmon, Esq.

Childcare benefits are important. However, many employers are not able to afford a daycare center or daycare reimbursement. Inexpensive alternatives are flex-time scheduling and liberal PTO policies that allow parents to address childcare or other family needs.

You can answer our poll. Please note any comments provided may be shared with others.

Finally, your opinion is important to us. Please complete the opinion survey:


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